Oh la la!!

Man, it's pretty hard to keep up with this thing when I have so many things going on!! Everything is wonderful and all is going swimmingly. Classes have started and are going well, I finally have internet in my room, and I'm actively booking my trips to Nice and Paris with Kris! I'm so excited!! I adore everything about this country.

I absolutely LOVE hearing French every day and being able to speak it whenever I want to. The language feels so comfortable. Even though I'm definitely not a native as far as speaking ability and grammar and things like that go, I feel like I'm doing very well, and it feels as right to speak French as it does to speak English. I'm thinking in French a lot now! I'll be in my room between classes and I'll be thinking of what I need to do to prepare for my next class -in French-, or I'll be talking to my boyfriend and I'll think of something in French before I can think of it in English. It's great!! I really don't ever want to leave. I would be so happy to come back to France for a few months every year or two. I think the language and the culture and the country will be in my blood forever.

One of the highlights of my day- the entirety of my first two-hour class was spent discussing regional wines. :) Nantes, and more particularly the Loire region, is very well known for it's vin blanc called Muscadet. I bought a bottle the other day and it is delicious! I'm hoping to go to a winery and do some wine tasting for a class project sometime soon (yes, I'm dead serious- they'll give me a grade for a report on wine. This is France, after all. :) ).

The food over here is very simple and super tasty. Lots of bread and cheese and wine and fresh fruits and veggies and meats. I wish I could eat this deliciously and health-ily all the time! Favorite things so far- breakfasts consisting of yogurt and a crêpe with Nutella, having a café crème at a bar or café downtown, and late-night, mid-week runs into Bouffay for a drink with friends.

I can't believe I've been here for two weeks! In some respects, that time has gone by really quickly, but then it also feels like I've been here for months! It's so great, I seriously can't get enough of every day. I walked to class in the rain today and I was listening to my iPod and it was one of those "Soundtrack of Life" moments; perfect song, perfect place, perfect state of mind, perfect everything. I am exactly where I'm supposed to be.

:) Je suis très heureuse d'être ici. :)
