"Eh bon, oui!"
This is not my normal life, but I love it!! Every moment is a new experience and a new adventure, it’s so wonderful! Last night, several of us met up with Ian, this Scotsman who’s in my friend Jessica’s classes, and we met up with a bunch of his friends at this bar called “Le Chien Stupide”, where everyone had a drink and got to know each other. There were probably 15 or 16 of us in the group. After that, we went to this semi-seedy underground bar called BMP, which is well behind Bouffay, where this French punk band called “The Curlee Wurlees” played a couple of sets. Oh my. It was so awesome!! French punk music, sweaty, semi-slimy French people, everyone’s chatting at a shout over the music and bopping around. It was such a blast!! We left between sets after all the Europeans in the group had had a cigarette (WOW, can those people smoke! Yikes!), and then we wandered around back in Bouffay and wound up at this late-night kebab place, where most of the group got something to eat. Then, on the way home, myself and three other UW girls met this cool British guy called Tim who’s going to the U of Nantes for language as well, and we talked with him all the way back to Bourgonniere. I wound up getting in bed by 1am, and I had to wake up for class at 6:50am. It was great! Staying out late and being so crazy-social is not my usual thing, but I absolutely want to do it again! It's so fun to meet people from all over the world and share thoughts and opinions and just get to know the world more.
School also officially started a couple of days ago (on Wednesday), and while I’m not entirely back into ‘school mode’, I think things are going to go just fine. It looks like I will indeed be having homework for some of my classes, but it won’t be anything overwhelming by any means. This semester is going to be an extremely tough act to follow, both scholastically and youth experiences-wise.
Other than having one more class this afternoon, I am ready to have a wonderful weekend!! Another night out tonight, Ile de Machine and finally buying the carte 12-25 tomorrow (hopefully), and lots of sleep and a movie on Sunday! J'aime bien la vie française!!
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