No class? Let's go wine tasting!

Well, today's Veteran's Day, which meant no class or work for myself and the roomies (AMAZING). Roomie K is our only under-21 year old, and she was out of town this weekend, so the other three of us decided to go to Woodenville and try some delicious wine! OH boy, we had a great girl's day out. We went to Chateau Ste. Michelle, which had a free tour and tasting. All the wine was beyond delicious and we each wound up buying a bottle (or four, in Roomie S and my case!). Then we went to the Columbia Winery across the street and ended the afternoon at the Red Hook brewery and took a tour there. All in all, we spend $6 each on tastings and tours. We even packed our own lunches to save money ( buy wine, haha). Great day!!!

My Ukranian friend showed me the Russian version of Winnie the Pooh a few weeks ago. It's pretty darn adorable.
