"Le Tombeau de Couperin" - Maurice Ravel

Today is a perfect Fall day in France. As I type, I'm in my dorm room with the radiator on, drinking piping hot chocolate and listening to classical music while it's in the low 50s outside. It's so lovely. I saw the most beautiful pastel sunrise while walking to my 8:30 class this morning, all wrapped up in my big wool peacoat and a scarf, watching my breath condense in front of me. So wonderful. I love all the little moments every day that make this experience so unforgettable. I'm finally wrapped up in living in the moment and taking everything in instead of being so busy planning for the future that I miss all of the amazing things happening around me! It's a lesson I've needed to soak up for a long time, and I'm glad that it's here in France that I'm finally matriculating it.

I went to the Symphony again last night with several friends, and oh boy, was it fantastic. Although the program and the conductor were wonderful when I went last month, this month's program was just incredible! The theme was French music, and they played pieces by Ravel, Florenz, and Bizet. The pieces by Ravel and Bizet were mesmerising! I was literally in raptures. I've always enjoyed classical music (thanks to the early influence of my wise parents!), but ever since this last year, I find it so much more inspiring than I used to. It's wonderful to be able to see it performed live by very talented musicians, and for only 3 euros, too!

This weekend promises to present more adventures. There are only five days left until Kris arrives, and I have so much to do! Tomorrow (Saturday), I'm going to get off my leash and make an escape for the day to a town on the Atlantic coast called La Baule. It's one of the most beautiful beaches in France, and I'm very excited to see it. I know it will probably be windy and freezing cold, but I have been in the mood to be near the ocean ever since we went to St. Malo for our excursion last month. I love the sound of the waves and the relaxed atmosphere of coastal areas. It'll be nice to wander around the town and along the beach with some friends and pick up shells and take pictures!

Besides the daytrip tomorrow, I'll be busy cleaning, doing homework, studying for 'mid-terms' (if you can even call them that; I don't think they'll present too much of a problem), and taking care of business to make sure things are all set for Kris to arrive. I'm so excited, as is he. I just hope he can get from the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris to the Montparnasse train station and then to Nantes alright without speaking a lick of French! Haha. He's adventurous; I'm sure he'll do just fine.

I'd better get started being busy! :) Oh, how I love life in France!!!
