Excuse me while I kiss the sky

I love love love bidding my farewells to people until January and having them be excited for me! It makes me all the more giddy to get over there. It's like I'm moving away, never to return! Kind of a crazy sensation because I will get to start over when I get back, in a way. Fresh off of my French adventure, I'll be ready to have new adventures back in Seattle.

As far as taking advantage of things goes, my boyfriend has convinced me to go all-out while I'm there. I'll only get to live in France once (probably), so why not do anything and everything I can?? This will be the experience of a lifetime, I shouldn't let anything hold me back. Sound advice, n'est pas? I've been feeling like I need more adventure in my life, so here's my perfect chance to start.

A co-worker suggested traveling to Barcelona for a wild weekend while I'm over there, but I looked into it and it looks like my time (and money!) would be better spent if I went to Toulouse for a weekend, which would be fantastic. I'm thinking I'd go the first weekend of October, depending on my school schedule. I'm *really* hoping I don't have Saturday morning classes!
I'm such a planner. Planning a weekend to Toulouse, planning my Toussaints trip to Nice and Monaco, planning weekends in Marseille and Paris. Wow. Top all this excitement off with tomorrow being my last day of work until 2010! Can life have a better outlook for me right now?? <3
