Je suis la reine des tartes amandine aux poires

Recently, I developed a hankering for a French pear tart. A few internet searches later, I found an easy recipe, went to the store for a few ingredients, and went to work. The result was divine. Although it was a slacker recipe because the pears are canned and the crust store-bought, the frangipane was handmade with all the French love I could muster. Sprinkle some cinnamon and sliced almonds on top, et voilĂ ! Simplement dĂ©licieux.
It turned out so well that I shared the first one I made with a few friends. Yesterday afternoon, I made two pear tarts: one for the end-of-quarter office potluck (they loved it), and one for me. This morning, I enjoyed a slice with coffee for breakfast. On a clear, crisp fall morning, it's perfection.
I've been missing France quite a bit lately. It's hard to believe that a year ago, I was enjoying part of the Toussaint vacation in Paris. Every time I watch the news on France 2, tutor students who are beginning to learn French, or even drink wine, I am reminded of how much I love that country and what an unbelievable year I had there. Fortunately, I am surrounded by many reminders of lovely places, good people, and happy memories.
In other news, when I'm not in class or at work, this is where I've been spending the majority of my time:
Hooray for finals. Two more weeks of papers and projects, and then it's off to the Beaujolais Nouveau festival in Denver, then the one in Seattle, my 25th birthday in the city with Kris, and 6 weeks of no school or work and lots of time with the family. The reward will be well worth the struggle. On y va!
