Spring running / Mother, may I... surprise you for your birthday?

The month of May was full of more crazy Colorado spring weather, and me running my second half-marathon! I spent the late winter and early spring training hard for another race. So far this year, I've run 175 miles, and it's only the end of May. Wahoo! It was fun to prepare and challenge myself again for this race, similar to last year's big run in October. 
A beautiful surprise bouquet of peonies from O - my favorite flowers!
Looking down the Manitou Incline and out over Colorado Springs.
2,000 feet of vertical gain in 0.9 miles - Yay, training!
This year, I decided to take on the Colfax Half-Marathon, Denver's major road race that goes through parts of downtown Denver, starting in City Park (the marathon route even goes through the Broncos' stadium!). It was a great race; a well-routed course, you got to run through the Denver Zoo and the Aurora Fire Station, lots of free goodies at the end of the race, and of course a sweet finisher's medal!
Great success!
I flew through the Denver Zoo in Mile 3! :)
O was the best road crew for the run - he made sure I got to and from the start/finish line the morning of, and he took such good care of me after the race. He is the best!!

The other major adventure in May was a super-secret surprise visit to the Pacific Northwest to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday! My dad was the main facilitator, and my sister, brother-in-law, and I were in on the surprise. My dad took my mom to Newport, Oregon on the Pacific Coast for the weekend, and I flew up from Denver and my sis, brother-in-law, their daughter, and their puppy, and I all drove out from Portland to surprise my mom at their hotel on the coast. She was caught completely unaware - she had no idea of our plan and was so happy for such a surprise! 
Pup and sis frolicking!
Yaquina Bay Bridge
Hello, Pacific!
Happy birthday, Mom!!!
Soren's first visit to the ocean!
I'm extremely glad we pulled off this fun birthday present for her big day. It was a fantastic weekend together; walking on the beach, enjoying beautiful sunny spring weather, playing with the pup in the ocean surf, waking up to the sound of the waves, walking through the cute downtown area, getting lots of smiles and snuggles in with my niece, and eating lots of seafood and delicious desserts. I had never been to Newport before; what a gorgeous seaside town! You really can't go wrong with the Oregon Coast. It was refreshing to be near the ocean and there with family.

I'm looking forward to my folks visiting me here in Denver for the 4th of July weekend - and they'll be able to meet O and his parents!! :) In the meantime, summer is gearing up here in Colorado, and I can't wait for all the adventures to come. Cheers!
