The Dunes

This past weekend, myself and six friends from Korbel spent a couple of days in and around Great Sand Dunes National Park in Southwest Colorado. I had been there once before in May (it snowed... a lot), and one other person in the group had been there as a kid, but it was most of the group's first time to the Dunes. We had a blast camping near Zapata Falls, exploring the Dunes by day, stopping by some hot springs for a dip, cooking up a storm around the campfire, and cracking ourselves up about life and randomness hilarities. 
Hello, beautiful!
We got up early on Saturday morning and headed to the Dunes first thing. We arrived in the Park with perfect timing and were able to stay for over four hours before it got too hot and too crowded and we headed on to other activities. We climbed the High Dune, took lots of pictures, jumped off of sand ledges into sand pits, frolicked and ran down the sandy hillsides, and ate lots of string cheese to fuel the journey. This was the best group with whom to run around here! We were laughing the entire time. 
Saturday's early morning view of the Dunes on our way into the park.
Gorgeous dunes and low-flowing Medano Creek
In the spirt of The Oregon Trail, we forded the river (although I personally prefer to caulk & float ;) )!
Normal picture?
Traditional jumping picture - success!

The Dunes crew (minus two)
Watching our Dune jumping crew members
Yoga on the Dunes! A Bird of Paradise pose; as difficult to balance in sand as one might think!
After a brief stop at some hot springs about 45 minutes from the Dunes for a relaxing soak in the afternoon, we retuned to our campsite at Zapata Falls. Our Saturday night included cooking a delicious batch of camp mac 'n' cheese and camp brownies, imbibing tasty beverages, lots of laughs, a roaring campfire, s'mores, a stunning sunset, and good memories all around. 
The whole crew
Once again, I hammock camped this trip! The best!!
Saturday's gorgeous sunset
Several members of our group are leaving Colorado at the end of July / early August, and we were all very grateful to have the opportunity for one last hurrah before many of our core group start going their separate ways. The whole weekend was so much fun, relaxing, beautiful, and all around a good idea. Cheers to the Sand Dunes gang, and best of luck to our departing friends in their next adventures, jobs, and locations. Here's to a great weekend of adventuring in wild, Colorful Colorado!
See you next time, Dunes!
