April Adventures

Alas, here again is my once-monthly blog post. As soon as school is over for the year and I start my next round of European adventures (round number 3 since I started this blog in 2009!), I hope to get this thing back up and running to at least once-weekly blog post capacity. In the meantime, some highlights from April:

Spring has arrived (albeit in a bipolar manner, weather-wise), so hiking is back on the activity list! There were a couple of Korbel hikes in April: a quick hike around Red Rocks on the Trading Post Trail, and 5ish miler on the Maxwell Falls Lower Trail loop. I'm looking forward to going on another hike tomorrow morning outside of Boulder.
A random abandoned love seat in the woods at the Maxwell Falls Trail.
Also in April, I finally went to the Trader Joe's that opened in Denver in mid-February. I loved me some TJ's when I lived in Seattle, and I knew that the reception of TJ's here in Denver would be insanity, so I figured I'd give it a month or so before paying a visit. Well, it turns out that even after two months of being open, that place is still a madhouse. At least I could elbow my way through the hoards and get my hands on some delicious prosciutto, wine, olives, and flowers for an excellent weekend treat. :)
Some Korbel friends and I went to see Beats Antique play at the Fillmore in Denver. I had seen them with Kris in 2012 when they played a New Year's Eve show in Seattle and they were AWESOME. This show was fantastic as well! Their new album is way different than their previous stuff, but they always wow the crowd and that night was no exception! We all had a blast. 
Last week, my friend Derrick invited me to join him and our other friends Catherine and Kathy for the Denver Beer Co.'s 3rd annual Crawfish Boil. I hadn't had crawfish since I lived in Texas. It was delicious, and of course the beer was great! The four of us spent an awesome afternoon and evening drinking, cracking open crawfish, and going for ice cream. The Highlands neighborhood in Denver is the perfect place for weekend shenanigans and we took full advantage. :)
Playing with our food!
Yeah, crew!
Awesome tree knots at Forest Room 5.
April was a fun, busy month, as is usual for me in my grad school life. I'm looking forward to an excellent May, including a trip to Seattle, Korbel's "Prom", more hiking, a wine party, and packing up to head off to Europe! On y va!
