March's photo adventure: Swanky weekend

Spring has sprung! It was a beautiful weekend in Seattle, and Kris and I took advantage of it! Since Kris is going to be livin' it up in Singapore and Indonesia with his good friend for the next couple of weeks, we decided to live it up together this weekend before he left. 

On Friday night, we enjoyed delicious beer and free shuffleboard at The Duchess (a classic UW bar near our place) with some of Kris' coworkers. On Saturday, we hit up REI to spend our dividends, and spend them we did! Kris wound up purchasing some excellent travel clothes, and I waltzed out of the store with a swim suit for Hawai'i, a great 100% wool dress, below-the-ankle hiking boots, and a super cute shirt. We did great! We then had lunch at the Lunchbox Laboratory, which is a really tasty throw-back burger joint just around the corner from REI (I highly recommend it!).

After that adventure, we headed back to our place and walked over to the park for a nap in the sun! It was glorious to feel that Vitamin-D finally making my poor wintery skin happy, and it's always pleasant to lay out a blanket on the grass and relax outside. Then, we got all dressed up and went out for a 'hat date' at a local French bistro called "Chloe", where we enjoyed mussels and a cheese plate and a glass of tasty French wine. I loved it!! I can't wait until we can do things like this together and actually be in France. :)
Hat Date!

On Sunday, we had a fabulous late brunch at the Sky City restaurant at the top of the Space Needle. What an experience, and such delicious food! I had been there for brunch last year with my sister and my brother-in-law, but Kris hadn't been for years and years, so we decided to treat ourselves. Among the dishes we enjoyed were Tomato Bisque, Clam & Corn Chowder, Prime Rib, Hazelnut French toast, and White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Bread Pudding. Oh my! We were both so full by the end of the meal, but extremely satisfied with the whole experience. And it was a gorgeous day to boot, so we had great views of the city as the restaurant spun around the top of the Needle.

It was such fun to play dress up this weekend and try new, fun places! I am so grateful for Kris finally being in Seattle! We so enjoy each other's company and making the other smile.

