February's photo adventure

What do I do on Super Bowl Sunday? I don't watch the game, that's for sure! I slept in, I went for a run, I did some studying for the GRE, and I went on a photo adventure with my friend Andrew! 

We met up at Dr. Jose Rizal Park (on the hill adjacent to the I-5/I-90 interchange) and caught up while catching the sunset over downtown. It was a beautiful night with lots of gorgeous colors. Even though I feel like I captured some pretty good pictures, they still don't do the actual light justice. Nevertheless, here are my favorites from the evening:

(This one was taken from the roof of Andrew's apartment complex.
It's the old Wonder Bread building!)

I really do love Seattle. And I'm definitely loving this winter weather we've had lately! Mostly sunny and in the low- to mid-50s. That's amazing for early February. 

This coming week should keep me a bit busier than last week: Kris will return from his trip to Alaska, I'll be giving several presentations for work, I need to make arrangements for a quick business trip to Boise in March, and there's an application deadline in a week! Lots to do, but it makes work hours go by very quickly, which is always a good thing. :)
