
Showing posts from March, 2016

Chopsticks, cocktails, and conferences: an introduction to Tokyo and Seoul

Kon'nichiwa! /  Annyeonghaseyo! / Greetings! I'm recently back from a nine-day trip to Tokyo, Japan and Seoul, South Korea. What a whirlwind, but what a blast! I was there for a traveling conference (one day in each city) and to also visit clients in their offices in each city. I had one day to explore Tokyo and just one evening to explore Seoul. Needless to say, I only got a glimpse of both cities, but I sure liked what I saw. I learned a lot about my clients and about the markets in both places, and I really appreciated the quick exposure that I had to the culture and beauty of both countries. Here are some photos from the trip:  Hello, Japan! Tokyo, Japan I arrived in Japan on a Saturday evening, after a successful 10-hour flight spent watching spy movies and even enjoying a free dram of Single Malt Scotch - international travel is so classy these days! ;) After catching the express train from the Narita airport into the Shinjuku neighborhood, I found

Winter celebrations and hibernations

Nearly three months later, I promise I'm still here! Still taking photos, still adventuring. 2016 has been off to a rockin' and rollin' start here in Denver. I was promoted to a new position at work, so I've been keeping quite busy in that regard. This year is going to be full of international travel and learning lots of new skills and facets of higher education and the language industry. I can't wait! On the personal side, I've signed up for another half marathon (mid-May), another year of the BolderBoulder 10k (end of May), and might still sign up for a 10-miler (end of April) and yet another half marathon (mid-June)!! Here's to a busy spring and summer of about 300 total running miles. I'm stoked. After taking two and a half months off from running for the worst of winter, I'm very happy to be getting back into a normal running schedule and training again. Something about Denver's clean, high-elevation air and having a few races coming do